Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Day 5

The Honda shop had received a key but not the full month one that has the chip in the end. So option b was taken to get key cut and use old chipped end taped on to get bike going. This worked though I didn't need to tape them together. It's a long story but we still had to get the key cut somewhere else but fortunately all this took place within a 4 mile radius of the campsite.

 So 1400 we are off on the road again. Temp v hot at 27c but as we get down to the edge of the Vosge mountains it cools a bit. Scenic run through the hills tho stuck behind some artics for a while but not long before we are on the A35 heading for Basel.

Border guards are out on the road and we get shown where to park so we can buy our Vingette, Swiss road tax. Maps checked again and we are off heading south for Luzern. It's not long before we are in tunnels and lots of them too, but up ahead skies are looking dark.

We enter a long tunnel and we are doing 60mph and it takes some 5 mins to get out the other side which strangely seems to be nightfall at only 530pm. Soon there are flashes of light above but no thunder but not for long. 15 mins later we are in a downpour in the dark with lightning silhouetting the jagged skyline momentarily. Progress is slow now and we decide to find a hotel as it is not going to be fun pitching a tent in a downpour.

We miss a turning and have to carry on for a further 9km but luck is on our side and we find a nice hotel in Walenstadt. It's 9pm and a hot shower and cool beer are required. Next it's a good sleep and an early start tomorrow for the last leg to Semmering.

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